I talk to many business owners throughout the year, both clients and friends of the firm. I have found in speaking with them that there are a few themes that come up again and again.
They need legal help. They know they need legal help. They’re terrified of the cost of legal help.
I get it. That’s why our firm’s tagline has always been: “Build. Not Billed.”® LOVE LAW FIRM exists to help you grow your business and not just increase our own revenue. Quite frankly, your success is our success.
They are self-helping on the Internet and using form documents from different websites.
The Internet is a wonderful thing. It gives us access to some of the best knowledge in the world, but it also gives us access to some of the worst. Knowing the difference, that’s wisdom. It also prevents the creation of what I refer to as Frankenstein documents – you know, the kind that are actually worse than having none at all.
They have a lot of questions about the practical impact of legal requirements. They want to do the right thing but aren’t sure how.
I get lots of questions that people preface as “silly” or “simple” or other such adjectives. But, quite frankly, none of them are. Let’s face it, this stuff is confusing. Sometimes, it appears that regulations, laws and contracts are deliberately written in the most confusing manner possible to trip us up. We all worry about being taken advantage of.
They have some concerns that they know aren’t purely legal but seem like something a lawyer could help them with.
For instance, I’m asked about how to handle negotiations, how to best run a company meeting, how to coach employees, how to talk to investors, and more. Sure, those have legal components to them, but they’re hybrid questions and the people asking me are not looking for a technical legal discussion. They want holistic solutions.
My goal has always been to bring the legal counsel of Wall Street to the business owners of Main Street – to Level the Legal Playing Field ™ for small business owners and solo-entrepreneurs.
So would you like access to TOOLS, CONTENT, TRAINING and MORE from a source you already know and trust?
- TOOLS – Checklists and templates on specific legal topics
- CONTENT – Articles on legal questions you have
- TRAINING – How to approach different situations that confront business owners
- MORE – Webinars on legal and business topics pertinent to your business; exclusive and exciting guest speakers and thought leaders; exclusive on-line group
If your answer is
DOLPHINITELY ® (yes, we did that on porpoise)
Then I have great news for you!
LOVE LAW FIRM is pleased to offer our new DOLPHINITELY ® program!
As you know, we do our best to be different – to be the Dolphins of the legal world, as opposed to the Sharks. This is part of our transformation.
You’ll have CONTENT, COUNSEL and Q&As as part of the DOLPHINITELY ® program. You will also get a 10% discount off my current fees – both flat rates and hourly – for when you need my legal services on specific needs.
Reach out for details about joining, subscriptions and more!
To your continued success,