When I started LOVE LAW FIRM, I knew that giving back was a very important part of our business plan. Quite frankly, I don’t think any business should exist that doesn’t have a plan for enriching its communities in some manner.
In our first year, in honor of our daughter who was born six weeks premature, we had a premature infant clothing drive for the hospital where she was born. In the end, we collected over 50 outfits for the babies.
Later that year, in honor of my multiple nieces and cousins who had been adopted out of the foster care system, we had a duffle bag drive. You see, it is a truism that many of these displaced children carry their meager possessions in trash bags from one placement to another. Ultimately, we collected more than 100 duffel bags filled with toiletries, stuffed animals, and other items that were given to children in foster care.
In the second year, we held a fundraiser for a family that had been devastated by medical bills. Ultimately, we were able to provide the family of four with new winter boots, coats, clothing, a few toys for the children, and cash to help with bills. The family was incredibly grateful, saying, “We are deeply appreciative and absolutely humbled. Thank you for putting it all together and thanks to all for helping us. We were moved to tears over everyone’s generosity. It made a huge impact and we will forever be grateful.”
This year, our fundraiser is for a single woman who suddenly became a mother of four when her sister had a serious, permanent medical condition. Putting her own dreams on hold, she has taken in her nieces and nephews, giving them the home they needed. Like our family last year, they need help with the essential items – winter clothing, winter boots, toys for the kids, help with utilities, and the like.
Will you help us?
We know there are a lot of worthy charities out there competing for attention this holiday season. There is so much need all around us. And thank you for all that you are doing every day to make this world a better place.
Can we ask you to add this family to your list?
LOVE LAW FIRM will be collecting the cash contributions and using them to purchase the requested items and deliver them to the family. You will know the direct impact of your gift. Your money doesn’t go to a big charity where some pays for overhead and the rest goes into a central fund for distribution. Every dollar goes directly to purchasing items for the family.