I hate being halfway toward a goal.
You know what I mean. When you’re halfway you can still see the starting line, and the finish line is still a long way away.
It’s easy to get discouraged then. It’s easy to say, “Well, I tried, but it wasn’t meant to be.” And you can almost let yourself off the hook. It’s not like you’re about at the finish line when it seems plain silly to give up. No, it’s still close enough that you can rationalize quitting.
It’s the tipping point. You need one more bit of oomph to get the momentum to hurtle to the end.
I’m there right now.
Three weeks ago we started our annual fundraiser to help a deserving family. The family we selected is incredible – a young woman raising her nieces and nephews after the disability of her sister. A young woman who had her own plans interrupted to suddenly become a mother of four.
We’re halfway toward our goal of helping them.
Can I ask that as you finish your holiday shopping you consider donating toward our fundraiser? Any amount helps.
We’re helping renew a car registration, pay off some outstanding bills, purchase winter items, obtain needed school supplies and educational items, and more. We are helping four children from ages 5 to 13.
We’re at the tipping point.